“Jar of Rebuke” is a twice-a-month horror comedy audio drama that follows Dr. Jared Hel, a research scientist for an organization called ‘The Enclosure’. Every 7th and 21st, tune in to Jared’s audio journal update as he explains his recent run-ins with supernatural anomalies, with other folx in the small midwestern farm town of Wichton, and follows his attempts to remember his forgotten past.
The creatures within the podcast are based upon real lore and legends of the midwestern United States while it delves into topics such as self-exploration & acceptance, forming an identity, finding one’s place within a community, and confronting deep fears. Starring a relatively queer-heavy (but not exclusively queer) cast and crew along with a queer-heavy character roster, “Jar of Rebuke” also focuses on bringing opportunities and representation to LGBTQAI+ performers.
Created by Casper Oliver & featuring the talents of Vanessa Rosengrant, Ashlee Craft, Cecil Fox, Jenny O’Sullivan, Jason Larock, Conrad Miszuk, Misha Bakshi, Chijioke B. Williams, & more.